The Profound Positive Impact of Kindness

In a world constantly testing our resilience, it might seem logical to prioritize self-care. However, intriguing research suggests that the exact opposite is true. A study led by Dr. Elizabeth Raposa and her colleagues at Yale University School of Medicine unveils the profound positive impact of kindness on both others and ourselves.

The study used a smartphone app to record both stressful events and acts of kindness. Surprisingly, individuals who engaged in more acts of kindness reported higher levels of positive emotion, even in the face of stress. Remarkably, this relationship held true regardless of the person’s natural inclination towards helping others.

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Role Models in Evolution : Khan v Rodgers

Delving into the intriguing realm of “Role models in evolution,” this article dismantles a longstanding misconception that links human nature to unrelenting selfishness. While this perspective gained some traction, it’s rooted in a philosophical fallacy—the assumption that what is natural is inherently good. The truth is, nature encompasses both altruistic and ruthless elements, making it essential to discern between what’s natural and what’s morally beneficial.

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Effects of Steroids Beyond the Surface

Diving into the world of bodybuilding, it’s crucial to understand the multifaceted “Effects of steroids” that go beyond the visible gains. While they offer rapid physical transformation, the psychological toll and long-term consequences can be profound.

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What Does It Mean to Be a Man Today?

A stylized graphic of a man with a mustacheIn this engaging talk, Dr. Orion Taraban probes the ever-changing landscape of masculinity in today’s society. He boldly queries, “What does it mean to be a man?” challenging the notion that masculinity is confined to set behaviors. Instead, he illuminates its dynamic nature, influenced by evolving societal norms.

Dr. Taraban takes an active stance against the idea that being a man is solely determined by external actions or appearances. He boils it down to two vital components: standing tall and displaying courage, symbolized as “having guts.”

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